
How To Create Branding Words

Ryan Chute
Ryan Chute
March 15, 2022
How To Create Branding Words

Are you struggling with what you can do to make your brand shine? Companies both big and small have been branding themselves for years, and it can be challenging to create a personal brand without getting overshadowed by the competition. One of the most important steps in branding yourself is choosing the right branding words. These are the words that represent the very essence of your brand. This will help people identify with your brand and make it easy for them to find you online. There are many things to consider when establishing your brand words, and it's not as easy as just picking a few random words you like out of a dictionary. You need to consider what you do, who you want to reach and what kind of image or message you want to project. In this article, we'll give you some tips on how to choose powerful business words that will help you create a strong, recognizable personal brand. With our insight, your marketing efforts will be more effective and you'll be able to connect with your target audience more easily.

What are Branding Words?

Branding words are words or phrases that help to identify a company or product. They can be used in advertising and marketing materials to create a unique identity for a brand. Some words may be well-known slogans or taglines, while others may be unique to a particular company. Branding words can also be used to create a feeling or atmosphere around a product or company. For example, some companies use words like "luxurious" or "reliable" to create an image of luxury or quality. Other companies might use words like "fun" or "energetic" to create an image of excitement and fun. Ultimately, branding words are about creating a certain impression of a company or product in the minds of consumers. By carefully choosing the right words, companies can create a strong and lasting identity for their brand. Do you need help in figuring out your own personal brand words? At Wizard of Ads®, we help businesses from varying industries create marketing words that sell. Contact us today to learn more!

What is the Importance of Branding Words?

Branding words are important because they help to create a unique identity for a company or product. They are marketing words to attract customers and create a positive impression. Marketing teams often use specific words in their advertising and promotional materials to create a consistent image and message. By using the same branding words, customers will develop a stronger connection with the product or company. Branding words can also set a company apart from its competitors. When consumers see or hear these words, they will know that it is associated with the brand that they trust. In short, branding words play an important role in marketing and branding campaigns. They help to create a recognizable identity and encourage customer loyalty.

Tips and Steps in Creating Branding Words that will Describe your Brand

Now that you can identify what branding words are and understand why they play an important role in your marketing, let’s go over some simple tips and steps to help you create your own branding words.

Tips and Steps in Creating Branding Words that will Describe your Brand

Think Big

When choosing your branding words, it’s important to think big. You want to choose words that will express the very essence of your business and resonate with your target audience. Some businesses make the mistake of choosing generic words that don’t really mean anything. This can be a big waste of time and money. It’s important to choose words that are meaningful and specific to your business. When brainstorming marketing power words for your brand, ask yourself these questions:

- What is the mission or purpose of my business?

- What are the key values and beliefs of my company?

- What makes my business unique?

- What are the pain points my target audience is experiencing?

- What are the solutions my business offers?

Once you have a good understanding of your answers to these questions, you can start to brainstorm words that will accurately reflect your business.

Remember Your Brand’s History

Your brand’s history is an important factor in creating your branding words. What have you done in the past that’s made you successful? What makes your company unique? Why should people care about what you have to say? Your branding words should reflect all of these things. They should be memorable, and they should make people want to learn more about your brand. That’s why it’s so important to remember your brand’s history when choosing your branding words. By using the right keywords, you can tap into your company’s unique story and create a branding strategy that will resonate with your audience.

Make a list of the Adjectives

Stuck on how to choose the right branding words? Make a list of adjectives that describe your product or service. This can help you zero in on the key values and benefits of your offering, and find the right marketing words to communicate them. Here are some tips for making a list of adjectives for your branding:

1. Start with a brainstorming session. Write down all the adjectives that come to mind when you think about your product or service. Don’t worry about whether they’re “positive” or “negative” adjectives – just list them all.

2. Narrow down the list. Once you have a big list of adjectives, start narrowing it down. Try to focus on the adjectives that best describe your product or service.

3. Use a thesaurus. If you’re having trouble finding the right words, try using a thesaurus to find synonyms. This can help you find adjectives that capture the essence of your product or service.

4. Be specific. The more specific your words are, the better. General adjectives like “good” or “great” don’t really mean anything to customers – they need to know what makes your product or service different.

5. Test it out. Once you’ve chosen your branding words, test them out with customers and see what they think. Are they positive or negative? Do they have any idea what you do? If not, you may need to rethink the words you chose.

Make up Words and Play with Them

Make up Words and Play with Them

There's a lot of thought that goes into choosing the right branding words — after all, these are the words that will represent your business and help to create an identity for you in the minds of your customers. However, it's important not to take this process too seriously — your words should be fun, playful and creative!One way to add a bit of fun to the branding process is by making up new words or playing with existing marketing phrases. This can help to set you apart from the competition and make your branding more memorable. Here are a few examples:

  • Instead of using the word "quality," try using "Q Factor."
  • Rather than saying "we are the best," try saying "we are the bomb."
  • If you want to talk about your commitment to customer service, try saying "we have your back."

Whichever way you go with it, be sure to have fun with it and make your branding stand out!

Be Distinctive

It's important to be distinctive when making attractive words for advertising. Your branding words are what make you unique and stand out from the competition, so they should be memorable and accurately convey the message of your brand. For example, words like "apple" and "android" are instantly recognizable as branding for their respective companies, due to the strong branding campaigns that have been in place for years. When choosing your branding words, you should keep in mind the tone and message of your company. A company that sells luxury items wouldn't want to use casual words like "fun" or "cool.” Instead, they would want to use words that depict their luxurious image, such as "elegant,” "sophisticated,” and "premium.”

Make it Short

Short and sweet is usually best when choosing branding words. Most people don't have the time or attention span to read a long, drawn-out message. Keep it simple and to the point so that your promotional words are easy to remember and have the maximum impact. For instance, instead of saying "Our company is the best at providing quality service," try "We're the best at delivering great service." It's punchier and gets your point across quickly. Using memorable words will help customers connect with your company and its products or services. So when it comes time to choose the perfect words for your brand, make sure to keep it short and sweet!

Consider Shorthand Approach

Consider using shorthand branding words. These are words that are associated with your company but don't necessarily have a specific meaning. For example, Nike's shorthand branding word is "swoosh." This word doesn't have a specific definition, but it's immediately associated with the company. Shorthand branding words can be very effective because they're easy to remember and quick to say. They also help people connect with your brand on an emotional level. So if you're struggling to choose the right branding words, consider using a shorthand approach.

Double Check the Meaning of Your Brand NameWords

Double Check the Meaning of Your Brand Name/Words

When it comes to your brand name, it is especially important to make sure that the words you choose have the correct meaning. This is because your brand name will be the first thing potential customers see and will likely be the first thing that comes to mind when they think of your company. Choosing the wrong branding words can lead to confusion and a negative association with your company. For example, the advertising word “bounce” can have both positive and negative connotations. A company that makes trampolines would want to use the word “bounce” in its branding to convey a sense of fun and excitement. However, a company that provides storage solutions might want to avoid using the word “bounce" because it could lead to customers thinking of the company as being unreliable. It’s important to choose words that accurately reflect your company and its values. If you’re not sure what words to use, do some research to find out which words are associated with your industry.

Bring Life to Your Brand Name with Creativity

When you’re choosing your branding words, it’s important to inject some creativity into the process. Here are a few reasons why:

1. It can help you stand out from the competition.

If all of your competitors are using generic words, adding a bit of creativity to your branding can help you stand out from the pack. This is especially true if you can come up with a unique and memorable branding slogan.

2. It can make your brand more relatable.

When people see or hear your branding, they should be able to instantly associate it with something that they care about. If your branding is creative and meaningful, it can help people connect with your brand on a deeper level.

3. It can help you build a stronger relationship with your customers.

When you take the time to create a creative branding strategy, it shows your customers that you care about them and want to engage with them on a more personal level. This can help you build stronger relationships with your customers and encourage them to return to your business in the future.

As you can see, there are plenty of benefits to be gained by bringing creativity to your branding words. So don’t be afraid to get a little bit imaginative when choosing your branding slogan!

How do you Define Your Brand’s “Tone of Voice?”

Your branding words form the foundation of your brand’s tone of voice. This will ensure that all of your branding materials, from your website to your social media posts, sound consistent and on-brand. Establishing an effective tone of voice will also help you to better connect with your target audience, as it will best communicate your brand’s personality and values. But how do you define your brand's tone of voice? Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • First, consider your audience. Who are you trying to reach?
  • Second, think about your brand's personality. Do you want to be seen as friendly and approachable? Or professional and authoritative?
  • Third, take a look at your competitors. How do they sound? Is there an opportunity for you to stand out by taking on a different tone of voice?

Once you've considered these factors, you can start to brainstorm what words you want to use. Do you want to have a warm, conversational tone of voice? Or, are you going for a more formal and respectful tone of voice? Whichever you choose, make sure that your words reflect your brand's personality and stay consistent across all of your branding materials.


So, what are your branding words? How do you want people to feel when they see or hear your company’s name? What adjectives come to mind when you think about your business? If you don’t have an answer to any of these questions, it’s time to sit down and start brainstorming. Coming up with a few keywords that encapsulate everything your brand represents is essential for effective marketing and advertising. It may take some time and effort, but the payoff can be huge. At Wizard of Ads®, we specialize in helping businesses find powerful words to create powerful advertisements. Contact us today to get started!

(Advertising Words)
Ryan Chute
Ryan Chute

Helping small businesses become BIG brands with a holistic marketing strategy that speaks the same language across all sales and marketing channels.

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Frequently asked questions

Questions? We’ve got answers.

Who does the Wizard of Ads® for Contractors work with?

Wizard of Ads® for Contractors work with healthy and growing Residential Home Service Contractors hungry to grow by multiples, like you.

You are ready, willing, and able to grow your business. You are open to change and are seeking a distinctive angle of approach to gain the time and attention of a too-busy public.

You know that lasting relationships take time, patience, and good energy to nurture and cultivate. We carefully enter into every arrangement with the intention of working with you for as long as you own your business. You prefer lasting partnerships.

You are already a solid operator. You have successfully grown your business and appreciate the impact the right brand story will have to get to the next level in your operation. You know a strong relational message takes time to gain momentum, but it’s worth the one-time short-term discomfort for the long-term gains.

Marketing cannot fix a failing business.

We accelerate what’s already happening in a business. If your business is on the rocks, marketing will only speed up the inevitable.  

You’re focused on lasting change that leads to exponential, profitable growth, not just sales at any cost. Intuitively, you know that communication that enhances every element of your customer's experience and your employee's culture is the key to your success.

How does the Wizard of Ads® for Contractors charge?

Traditional marketing agencies are designed to capture the greatest amount of revenue from a client, regardless of results. Every last item is billed and expensed to the client. Typical agency fees can represent a whopping 55% of the entire advertising budget. That means a $5 million dollar advertising budget, you would spend $2.75 million on agency fees.

Think of Wizard of Ads® for Contractors as the Anti-Agency.

Our income is not tied to your advertising budget. Our income is exclusively tied to your growth. Our goal is to maximize your advertising impact with the lowest reasonable spend. This allows you to spend only what is necessary or to put extra horsepower into aggressively growing in your market.

The genius of this model is that it perfectly aligns our motivations as true partners for exponential profitable growth without the pain of being unaffordable. Ultimately, we are confident in taking the risk of being underpaid in the first few years because we know the results always speak for themselves.

Next, we do not accept commissions, referral fees, kickbacks, or other compensation from any service providers we recommend or engage for production work. Most agencies do. This includes the 15% agency commission for media buying. This approach is considerably different from the compensation plan employed by most advertising agencies, as it eliminates any potential conflicts of interest and allows us to focus our entire attention on helping you grow your business profitably as a true partner. For example, a $500,000 annual media buy would involve a $75,000 commission that we would have removed directly from your media providers' invoices.

This is the perfect pricing model for Residential Home Services.

By tying ourselves to gross revenue, we only have one motivation. Your motivation. We have no motivation to convince you to spend more money on marketing than what is necessary, and since we are a variable expense to sales, we NEVER become too expensive to have us on your team.

In almost every case, we end up lowering the amount of money you spend. We will stay within your planned marketing budget, including your media spend, production, and our Annual Fee. Add on the fact that you get any and all commissions back for media buys and various services provided by outside providers, and you will actually save money having us on your team.

Don’t forget, we have the largest buying power in North America for media buying, meaning for every dollar you spend buying media, we only spend 27 cents on average. This stretches your reach, impact, and frequency in a way no other agency (or yourself) can achieve on your own, saving you hundreds of thousands of dollars, eventually millions, every single year.

Clients who heed our advice and embrace our Marketing Strategy quickly add $1 million in incremental revenue to their business, making your investment a smart bet and a bit of a no-brainer.  

There is no longer any guesswork, hope, or fear that our marketing strategies are going to work. If our client’s are able to abandon any limiting beliefs about marketing, deliver operational excellence, and play the long game, our marketing strategy will accelerate their profitable growth.

Wizard of Ads® for Contractors pricing model is based solely on the topline revenue of your company. It consists of an Upfront Fee and an Annual Fee. These fees are inclusive of scheduled travel, services, and all other expenditures as outlined in the Consulting Agreement.

The Upfront Fee covers the intensive Uncovery Process, the first year’s Media Buy, the Creative Process, and the Market Research while the Annual Fee goes toward implementation, ongoing creative and consulting, and next year's media buy. You get a team of 3.5 people, with direct access to a top tier Creative Lead and Media Buyer, and on-demand access to me as your Master Strategist. You will also have a full-time Account Manager keeping everything on track.

While the upfront does have an initial pinch, it is easy to amortize the investment over the many years we will be working together to grow your business. Wizard of Ads® retain clients for 10 years, on average. The sale of the business is the number one reason for termination. We actively terminate the bottom 1% of clients who are unwilling or unable to follow our strategies.

Wizard of Ads® for Contractors believes that all rewards should be directly correlated to the success of our clients. This means that the Wizard of Ads® for Contractors only receives a raise when the company achieves growth. For example, if your gross sales for the year have increased by 25%, the Annual Fee you pay us in the following year will also be increased by 25%. Likewise, if your gross sales decrease, our Annual Fee will decrease by the same percentage during the following year.

This is an exceptionally easy and fair way to track and reward success. This model was developed by Wizard of Ads® over 35 years ago and has served us well because it serves our clients well.

As a rule of thumb, we take the risk of working for considerably less than our actual value in the first few years as we help accelerate growth. This means you need to be willing to pay us exceptionally well when you start doing even better.

When should I engage The Wizard of Ads® for Contractors?

There are four key revenue stages for engagement with the Wizard of Ads® for Contractors.

  1. Under $3.6 million in revenue
  2. Between $3.6 and $10 million in revenue
  3. Between $10 and $20 million in revenue
  4. Over $20 million in revenue

Under $3.6 million in revenue is an investment in your brand. This will serve you well in establishing your brand story early on and help you with your name, logo, and truck wrap design. It's easier to create pictures from a story than it is to make a story based on pre-drawn pictures. You'll be glad you did. Everyone on a fast path to growth is.

Most clients start with Wizard of Ads® for Contractors between $3.6 and $10 million in revenue. They have often seen a natural ceiling with their leads for demand service and are looking for ways to push past the ceiling. This can only be done with a properly executed brand strategy, specifically in mass media with a sticky story.

Between $10 and $20 million in revenue, Wizard of Ads® for Contractors has some natural economies of scale. This is a sweet spot where Wizard of Ads® for Contractors can offer some added value in getting the ball rolling.

Over $20 million in revenue is actually the lowest cost point of entry as a percentage of revenue, but not the cheapest time to start with the Wizard of Ads® for Contractors. Leveraging all economies of scale aside, we have been left out of the upside along the way, so engaging when over $20 million in revenue means we have to mend a lot of fences damaged along the way. This is also where clients see significant savings in their media buys and production costs.

There are also three market sizes to consider.

  • Primary Markets are the top 50 cities in America.
  • Secondary Markets are the smaller cities in America.
  • Tertiary Markets are the more rural trade areas in America.

When considering an engagement with The Wizard of Ads® for Contractors, consider what size market you are in. For example, a $3.6 million company in a Primary Market will struggle to get the necessary reach needed to make a splash. You either have to be more patient than a larger company or spend more money to accelerate your reach.

Alternatively, a $5 million company in a Secondary Market will look like a pretty darn big fish in a medium-sized pond.

A $20 Million company in a Primary Market will feel like a $50 million company using our strategies to potential customers.

The key to remember is that the earlier you start with the Wizard of Ads® for Contractors, the lower the investment to get started. As they say, the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.

Are production costs included in your fees?

The Wizard of Ads® for Contractors Creative Lead will create the ad copy, cast the voice actors, source the production house, direct the performance, pick the music bed, manage all the edits, and provide you with the completed ad for final approval before sending to air on your behalf. This is included in our fees.

You pay for the production house, actors, royalty-free music, and jingles directly to avoid any potential for markups, commissions, or management fees.

We have many friends in the industry that give our clients good deals due to the large volume of work we provide them. We will introduce you to them.

How long before a brand-forward strategy starts working?

In approximately three months of activation, we’ll just be getting live on air. In six months (3 months on air), you’ll be getting anecdotal feedback from people that you are being heard, but there will be no direct line to revenue.

After 6 months on the air, you’ll think you made the biggest mistake of your life signing up for this branding nonsense. After 9 months on the air (12 months in) you’ll see the light at the end of the tunnel.

At 12 full months on the air, you’ll know why you did this branding thing. Two years from now, we'll be clinking champagne flutes as you wonder why you didn’t do this sooner.

How long before we’re live?

The general guideline is 70-120 days, depending on the level of production needed and if there is a name change to your business.

This includes an onsite visit, a deep dive into research, and getting things created, negotiated, approved, produced, and live on the air.

  • Uncovery - 15-30 days based on travel. 1-2 days onsite.
  • Research - 30-60 days based on the scope of work.
  • Creative and Media Buy Process - 45 to 60 days
  • Offline Production - 15 days for radio. 30 - 60 days for television.
  • Online Production (if switching) - 60 days

This means planning for roughly 90 to 120 days in the proper development and production of a completely unique Marketing Strategy before anything hits the airwaves.

Are you exclusive?

Creatively, yes. During the term of this Agreement, all Creative Partners assigned to your Account shall not engage, directly or indirectly, as an employee, officer, manager, partner, consultant, agent, owner, or in any other capacity, in any competition of the client, including any company engaged in marketing consulting.

For clarity, the Creative Partner is defined as the individual Wizard of Ads® Partners who is responsible for creating your creative strategy and ongoing creative copy. Competition is defined as companies that engage in the same industry and business units (e.g., HVAC, Plumbing, etc.) as you. The market area is defined as the area where the marketing message naturally reaches through DMA or 60 miles from the city center of the client's service area(s).

Naturally, we exclude any potential future competition in markets where you are not currently active at the date of signing.

We do not limit Media Buyers in any market. Media Buyers get better deals for larger volumes, making it beneficial for the client to have the Media Buyer available to do as many buys as possible to secure the best deals on the client’s behalf.

Do you do digital marketing?

In rare circumstances, Wizard of Ads® for Contractors will provide specific digital marketing solutions. Wizard of Ads® has very specific Partners that provide digital services that serve Residential Home Services effectively. Under no circumstances will digital marketing services be offered without Wizard of Ads® for Contractors' core solution.

It is most likely that Wizard of Ads® for Contractors will work with your existing digital partners and suppliers. If you do not have a reliable digital provider, we would be happy to introduce you to a number of great providers that play nice with Wizards.

Do you do jingles?

Wizard of Ads® for Contractors can assist you in getting a jingle for your business. Like any other tactical element of a marketing strategy, we do not produce a jingle for the sake of a jingle.

If you do not have a story or a strategic reason to have a jingle...or an ad campaign to tie it to, do not waste your hard-earned money on a jingle. You are wasting your time and money.

When you do build a single unified marketing strategy that incorporates a jingle for a specific (often scientific) reason, we have a Jingle Wizard who has studied the art and science of jingle design.

He will score you an original, royalty-free jingle, including professional singers, musicians, and producers. He will not knock off a generic jingle from a publicly available music bed that sounds like everyone else's jingle.

Your jingle will serve a very specific reason and produce a very specific result. Have you guessed how much we love jingles yet?

Who owns the copyrights?

Wizard of Ads® for Contractors owns your copyright for two very specific reasons. We also provide a fair use clause in all contracts to ensure you are in no way limited to the access of your creative works, whether you are working with us or not.

The first reason we own your copyright is to ensure that we do not have to go up against our own creative works in other markets we serve. This means you are not allowed to lend, give, borrow, tweak, rent, lease, or sell your creative works to any other company at any time.

The second reason we own your copyright is that we can establish a one-time value for your creative works in the event that someone steals the content. Upon selling you the copyrights, you can go after the perpetrator for theft and make a considerable bounty in a slam dunk case.

Here is how Wizard of Ads® word the fair use of your copyright for as long as your business is in operation:

All writing and/or marketing materials we create for you are not works-for-hire. Wizard of Ads® for Contractors hereby irrevocably grants you, and your successors in interest, the non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-transferable, and worldwide right to use the Works in connection with the marketing of your business pursuant to the Marketing Strategy for so long as your business is operational.
How do I measure brand results?

There are a number of interesting ways to measure results. Some people like to get unique identifying telephone numbers, or create branded URLs that redirect to landing pages or the website. However, much of this is a waste of time and energy as it never tells the true story of the brand journey and how it affected the decision-making process.

Other indicators of brand effectiveness include tracking new customers, reactivated customers, or running a brand equity survey to get a sense of your share of mind. Digitally you will see direct search increase, which cannot be affected by anything digital, as well as branded keyword inquiries increase. You’ll, of course, need to get your digital people to add these to your campaigns if you hope to see an increase in conversions.

Wizard of Ads® for Contractors tracks the simplest of indicators. Top line revenue. When your branding takes effect, and the company responds in kind from the phone call or form fill-on, top-line revenue will increase. Efficacy is plotted on a T12, and total lead volume from all sources is tracked.

12 things you should know before signing up.
  1. Quality relationships take time. Branding is a long-term strategy. That’s why most contractors do it wrong, or not at all. There is always a lag between the start of the new campaign and the time it takes your customers to connect the dots. You MUST BE READY, WILLING, AND ABLE to endure this lag period. In our experience, the lag is typically 6 to 9 months, depending on how competitive the marketplace is, your company’s reputation, your budget in relation to reach, and the eight uncontrollable environmental factors. During this time, we will be helping you implement a transition plan to ease the pain. The good news is that this lag only happens once.
  2. Decisions by Committee. We completely reject the notion of decisions by committee. We work with a single, courageous decision-maker. We welcome decision influencers, but we only look to the Owner for the final decision. All decision-makers and influencers must be involved in the Uncovery and Marketing Strategy Presentation if they want to offer input in the future. It is critical that we have a 100% fully approved plan that can be defended and championed by all leaders in the organization.  
  3. Proven Strategy. That means we are not the low-cost provider. With nearly 200 home service clients and a book of strategic devices, tools, and tactics, this isn’t a guessing game for us. We know what to do to make your externally triggered grudge purchase appealing to your potential buyers. If you can deliver the goods, we can continue building relationships. If you are uncomfortable with the idea that you are paying us less now so that you can pay us considerably more once revenues allow, please do not commit. We intend to be your true partners, in sickness and in long as you own your business.
  4. Automatic Payments. Everything is on automatic payments. If you struggle with managing cash flow, figure that out in your business first. We accept all major credit cards and ACH payments.
  5. We Cause Problems. If you don’t have a capacity issue now, I promise you will in about 9 months. Let’s deal with recruitment out of the gate as part of your comprehensive marketing strategy.
  6. We Own the Copyrights. All writing and/or marketing materials we create for you are not works-for-hire. We irrevocably grant you, and your successors in interest, the non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-transferable, and worldwide right to use the Works in connection with the marketing of your business pursuant to the Marketing Strategy for so long as your business is operational.
  7. Brand Building. We will be steering you to limit the use of discounts, rebates, coupons, and sales to attract clients. We know this feels counterintuitive to many, and we will clarify our reasoning. Rest assured, we have considerable experience in creating similar offers that are not damaging to your profitability, your brand’s integrity, and your preferable long-term client relations.
  8. Creative Authority. We must have creative authority over the words. You can accept copy as written or reject it outright, but you cannot modify the words yourself. If you do not like something as written, we are happy to discuss it and make the necessary change to maintain the integrity and intention of the words chosen. Alternatively, we will scrap the concept and create new copy that you are happy to get behind 100%.
  9. Proprietary Algorithm. The media buy must be structured in a very specific way, including running a full 52-week schedule. It is based on brain chemistry, not P&Ls. Once we have committed to the buy, it’s important to avoid adjustments unless they are calculated additions.
  10. Knucklehead Factor. You should expect knuckleheads. For example, when you start running ads that are certain to get attention, you need the courage to continue running those ads, even when you receive complaints. We celebrate complaints. It means we’ve made people feel.
  11. Digital Weasels. In about three months from the time your advertising campaign hits the airways, your digital marketers will show you a marked increase in direct and organic traffic. Some Digital Marketers will mistakenly claim this success as their own. Done properly, you can continue to spend less and less on digital lead generation by increasing your branded keyword online presence.
  12. Annual Marketing Meetings. Travel permitting, we prefer to hold Annual Marketing Meetings (AMMs) outside your city. Years of experience have taught us that we get better results when decision-makers are outside their sphere of influence, away from the day-to-day distractions of the office.

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